Friday, November 18, 2011

Low on Cash cleaning out the Freezer! (Or DON"T make turkey soup in the middle of the Night)

Well it is now six o'clock in the morning and the soup is finally simmering in the crock pot.
The GM hasn't been eating. It is hard to find things that she will eat and have nutritional value. She could use some calories as well. There are lots of personal restrictions (note: I said personal, not medical!). Whatever it is must be cooked to death, doesn't like meat that much, not to salty, or spicy or acidy. Mashed potatoes are a favorite, not rice, noodles on occasion...Easy on teeth (although she has all her own). You get my drift, so on with my story!
We make lots of soups! Yesterday she wasn't happy with dinner- what to make for today? We are very financially challenged right now, shopping isn't an option until next week! Checked out the freezer, easy to do because it is getting low, and there are the parts from a turkey I dissected last year. Legs, back, neck and thighs for stock. Defrost...
I took off the skin and extra fat and put them in the crock pot with celery leaves, onion, a few carrots, some herbs from the garden, and a chunk of ginger I found in the refrigerator. Added water and put on to slow cook until I get up about 2 AM. This gave it about eight hours to turn into a really good stock.
OK  I'm up, had some coffee and ready to do my thing. First skim off the fat that is on top. Then I pulled out the meat and bones into a large bowl. Next remove large the stuff that you don't want in the soup- the now lifeless veggies and herbs, who have given their all to the aromatic broth! The first straining through the sieve, into large pan. Oops, slight mess from crock pot to pan. Why was that utensil drawer slightly open? Mutter, mutter, stop and clean out drawer, and put everything in dishwasher. Wash out crock pot. Second strain through cheesecloth, (darn, where are my kitchen scissors) put back into crock pot. Now to bone the meat which is messy but easy as it is falling off the bone. put aside (into another bowl). Peel and chop fresh veggies, then add to pot, chop the meat, add to pot. Oh, let's add some frozen peas too! Whew, almost done. Lid on pot, reset time for lunch/dinner service- clean up. Did I mention all those bowls and stuff I used? Major wow factor. Something that usually takes no effort and time became a major hassle. Time to take out the trash and clean the floor while I am at it.
LESSON LEARNED: Something you want to make simple becomes a real pain in the ass in the middle of the night. I'd rather read blogs.
Isn't my life interesting???


  1. Have to admit I have never done middle of the night cooking.

  2. What about black pepper? I always put lots of pepper in soups -- even more so now that my salt has been restricted.

  3. Turkey carcasses make awesome soup, but making any poultry stock always seems to become more a a kerfuffle than one expected! It's all that sorting and straining! Thank goodness for dishwashers!!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I don't like cooking in the daytime so for sure it won't be happening in the middle of the night! LOL You are so funny! I too have menu problems for the folks. One likes this, the other doesn't and on and on. I think keeping up with your blog will be very therapudic for me! So glad I found it!


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