(a little suggestive?)
In honor of miss alaineus alemanac
Now here is a hard working, hard hitting, tell it like it is woman! (cue major applause)
This weekend I came across several goodies that some how made me think of her and "school" so I have decided to devote this blog post to her.
I know what is it like to teach, be real, and follow the rules- Can you say "OXYMORON?"
I watched her videos, getting room ready- know there soooo much more to it than shown.
I read her posts: dealing with parents, other teachers, ADMINISTRATORS (could be spelled menstruaters cuz regardless of sex most are PMS) not to mention, yes the STUDENTS! God love the students or there wouldn't be any teachers. THANK YOU ALL TEACHERS (who aren't perverts) for loving and caring about our children, the future, the world.
Keep on keeping on!